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Главная - Новости - Impact Train Horn Kit: Unleash the Power of Sound

Impact Train Horn Kit: Unleash the Power of Sound


DIY Impact Train Horn Kit with 4 Trumpets - up to 150dbIntroduction

Welcome to the world of impact train horns! If you're looking to upgrade your vehicle's horn with a powerful and attention-grabbing sound, look no further than an impact train horn kit. Visit Bosshorn's website to explore their extensive catalog of impact train horns. In this article, we will delve into the features, benefits, and creative ways to use impact train horn kits.

Chapter 1: The Power of Impact Train Horns

Impact train horns are signaling devices that offer a similar volume to those used on trains, producing a sound over 130dB. These horns are designed to enhance safety and increase visibility on the road. The powerful sound of an impact train horn ensures that your warnings or signals are heard loud and clear, alerting others to your presence.

Chapter 2: The Versatility of Impact Train Horn Kits

2.1 Complete Horn Kit

An impact train horn kit typically includes everything you need to install and use the horn effectively. It often consists of the horn itself, an air compressor, a tank, a wiring harness, and a button or switch to activate the horn. With a comprehensive kit, you can easily equip your vehicle with a powerful impact train horn and enjoy its benefits.

2.2 Various Horn Options

Impact train horn kits come in different configurations, allowing you to choose the one that suits your needs and preferences. Whether you prefer a dual horn setup, a quad handle design, or any other specific style, Bosshorn's catalog offers a wide range of options to choose from.

Chapter 3: Quality, Warranty, and Shipping

3.1 Durable Construction

When you purchase an impact train horn kit from Bosshorn, you can expect high-quality construction. These horns are built to withstand the demands of various environments, ensuring long-lasting performance and durability.

3.2 5-Year Warranty

Bosshorn stands behind the quality of their impact train horn kits by providing a 5-year warranty. This warranty offers peace of mind, knowing that your investment is protected and any potential manufacturing defects will be addressed.

3.3 Fast Shipping

Bosshorn understands the importance of timely delivery. When you order an impact train horn kit from their website, you can expect a shipping time of 2-3 business days. This ensures that you can start enjoying the power of your new horn without unnecessary delays.

Chapter 4: Creative Ways to Use Impact Train Horns

4.1 Vehicle Upgrades

Install an impact train horn kit in your car, truck, SUV, or recreational vehicle to upgrade its sound and make a statement. The powerful sound of the horn not only enhances safety on the road but also adds a touch of uniqueness to your vehicle.

4.2 Special Events and Gatherings

Bring the excitement to your special events and gatherings with an impact train horn kit. Whether it's a tailgate party, a music festival, or a birthday celebration, the attention-grabbing sound of the horn will make your event memorable and create a fun and energetic atmosphere.


Upgrade your vehicle's sound and unleash the power of sound with an impact train horn kit from Bosshorn. Visit Bosshorn's website to explore their catalog and choose the perfect kit for your needs. Experience the high volume and attention-grabbing capabilities of impact train horns while enjoying the peace of mind provided by the 5-year warranty. Upgrade your vehicle's horn today and make an impact wherever you go.



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